I have a strong passion for singing and teaching. I have taught at colleges both in Korea and the US, not only classical songs but also musical theater. Now, I am expanding my materials to include K-pop as there are many K-pop lovers!
I know how to help your voice develop properly with a healthy singing technique and meet your needs.
I can teach all levels, from beginners to majors.
I always pursue a healthy singing technique. You have to sing in the right way; otherwise, your voice box (vocal cords) is so fragile that it can be hurt!
I know:
-Where your level is
-What voice type you have
-Which repertoire you should sing
-What is good already and what needs to get better!
-I accompany you on the piano. Currently, I travel to students' homes and can only teach students who have a piano at home.
-Songs that I teach include, but not limited, Italian, German, French, English art songs and arias, musical numbers, pop songs, and Christian songs.
I feel confident about what I teach; I can help you sing in a healthy way in any genres. I help you understand how the voice works and singing should/can be and help to maximize the role of your own gift (voice) from God .
Courses Taught at the Collegiate Level
I know how to help your voice develop properly with a healthy singing technique and meet your needs.
I can teach all levels, from beginners to majors.
I always pursue a healthy singing technique. You have to sing in the right way; otherwise, your voice box (vocal cords) is so fragile that it can be hurt!
I know:
-Where your level is
-What voice type you have
-Which repertoire you should sing
-What is good already and what needs to get better!
-I accompany you on the piano. Currently, I travel to students' homes and can only teach students who have a piano at home.
-Songs that I teach include, but not limited, Italian, German, French, English art songs and arias, musical numbers, pop songs, and Christian songs.
I feel confident about what I teach; I can help you sing in a healthy way in any genres. I help you understand how the voice works and singing should/can be and help to maximize the role of your own gift (voice) from God .
Courses Taught at the Collegiate Level
- Applied Voice (Majors/Minors, Undergraduate/Graduate)
- Diction
- Song Literature
- Literature Seminar
- Stage Performance
- Seoul National University
- Kyung Hee University
- Sejong University
- Kookmin University
- Kangnam University
- Evergreen Valley College
- University of Cincinnati (Graduate Assistant)
Rania Al- Eleilat- “I was always very nervous about singing; it can be a very embarassing experience for a beginner. But from the beginning, I was able to trust Miss Lee. Her astute hearing, confident knowledge and positive attitude made me trust what she heard, what she suggest and the feedback she provided. She was able to demonstrate everything she talked about- both correct and the incorrect ways of doing things, which made one hear the difference. It was important and refreshing to me that she was positive while being honest; she would not tell you that soemthing worked when it didn’t, but at the same time, she immediately heard what worked and was persistent and systematic in making you understand why and how it worked, what went right and how to recreate it. She was able to communicate and describe both the physical and mental aspects of singing, in many creative ways that made sense.”
"저는 항상 노래하는 것에 대해 매우 긴장했어요. 초보자에게는 정말 부끄러운 경험일 수 있거든요. 하지만 처음부터 이윤정 선생님을 믿을 수 있었습니다. 그녀의 예리한 청각, 자신감 있는 지식, 그리고 긍정적인 태도 덕분에 그녀가 듣고 제안한 것과 피드백에 신뢰를 가질 수 있었어요. 이윤정 선생님은 말로만 설명하는 게 아니라, 옳은 방법과 잘못된 방법을 모두 시범으로 보여주셨기 때문에 차이점을 확실히 들을 수 있었어요. 선생님이 긍정적이면서도 정직했다는 점이 저에게는 중요하고 신선하게 다가왔어요. 잘못된 부분에 대해 솔직하게 말해주셨지만, 동시에 무엇이 잘 되었는지를 즉각 알아채고 그것을 이해하게끔 체계적이고 지속적으로 지도해 주셨어요. 선생님은 노래의 신체적, 정신적 측면을 창의적으로 설명해 주셔서 모든 것이 잘 이해되었습니다."
Benjamin Hunt- “YoonGeong Lee began our first class assuaging our collective nervousness by acknowledging out skill levels and telling us she was excited to work with us this semester. She organized the course to focus on proper technique and discussed why each technique was necessary to maintain our vocal health. We began each day with group vocal exercises that corresponded to the discussion she led afterward. This helped us experience what we would be talking about each class so we could better understand the technique we were learning. YoonGeong was very encouraging during exercises and discussion. She often asked for confirmation to ensure we understood everything we were going over because she didn’t want to leave anyone behind. She was always happy to answer any questions we had and frequently elaborated with deeper related information.”
선생님은 첫 수업에서 우리의 실력 수준을 인정하시며 우리 모두의 긴장감을 풀어주셨고, 이번 학기에 우리와 함께 작업하게 되어 기쁘다고 말씀하셨습니다. 선생님은 수업을 체계적으로 구성하여 올바른 발성 기술에 중점을 두었으며, 각각의 기술이 왜 필요하고 어떻게 성대를 보호할 수 있는지 설명해 주셨습니다. 매 수업을 시작할 때마다 그룹 발성 연습을 했는데, 항상 그 발성이 왜 필요한지 설명해주셨습니다. 이를 통해 우리가 배우고 있는 발성 기술을 더 잘 이해할 수 있도록 도와주셨습니다. 이윤정 선생님은 항상 격려해 주셨으며, 우리가 다루고 있는 모든 내용을 이해했는지 확인하기 위해 자주 질문하셨습니다. 선생님은 언제나 질문에 기꺼이 답변해 주셨고, 관련된 심화된 정보를 추가로 설명해 주셨습니다."
Nave Graham- “When I first began studying voice with Ms. Lee, I was incredibly apprehensive as well as embarassed of my less than stellar vocal skills. I distinctly remember entering my first lesson nervous and shaking. However, after ten minutes of talking with Ms. Lee, all of my worries were settled. She created an incredibly welcoming, accept, and kind environment. Creativity, experimentation, and openness were promoted as opposed to perfection and strictness. Whenever a foreign or uncomfortable concept was introduced she always provided me with encouragement and support, allowing me to try and succeed at things I never thought possible.”
저는 이윤정 선생님과 함께 성악을 공부하기 시작할 때 매우 불안하고 부족한 노래 실력 때문에 부끄러웠습니다. 첫 수업에 들어갔을 때 긴장하고 떨렸던 기억이 생생합니다. 그러나 선생님과 10분 정도 이야기를 나눈 후 모든 걱정이 사라졌습니다. 선생님은 정말 따뜻하고 포용적이었으며, 창의적이면서도 실험적이고 열린 마음을 보여주셨어요. 완벽함과 엄격함보다는 새로운 개념을 받아들일 때마다 선생님은 항상 격려와 지지를 아끼지 않으셨습니다. 덕분에 저는 제가 가능하리라고는 생각하지 못했던 것들을 시도하고 성공할 수 있었습니다.
Lindsay Noell- “I got incredibly lucky finding YoonGeong Lee. Not only could she help me with Korean songs, but she was also an incredible vocalist and teacher. First, YoonGeong was able to explain vocal techniques to me in a way that I could understand and internalize. She helped me to become more aware of what my body is doing while singing. I will never forget when she made me stand in front of a mirror and watch my tongue as I sang some vowels- it was incredibly funny, but most importantly it helped me discover the ways my untrained tongue was actually hindering my singing. YoonGeong made me feel comfortable enough to look utterly crazy and not care. In addition, YoonGeong has an incredible ability to show singing techniques. Instead of merely telling me what and what not to do, she could effectively use gestures, visualizations, and metaphors to help me better understand.”
이윤정 선생님을 만나게 된 것은 정말 행운이었습니다. 선생님은 한국 가곡에 대한 도움을 주셨을 뿐만 아니라, 훌륭한 성악가이자 선생님이었습니다. 먼저 윤정 선생님은 발성 기술을 제가 이해하고 내 것으로 만들 수 있도록 설명해 주셨습니다. 덕분에 노래할 때 제 몸이 어떻게 움직이는지 더 잘 알게 되었어요. 제가 절대 잊지 못할 것은 거울 앞에 서서 모음을 발음할 때 제 혀를 보도록 하셨던 순간입니다. 그 모습이 정말 우스꽝스러웠지만, 동시에 제 훈련되지 않은 혀가 실제로 제 노래를 방해하고 있다는 사실을 발견하는 데 큰 도움이 되었습니다. 윤정 선생님 덕분에 저는 편안하게 노래할 수 있었습니다. 또한, 선생님은 노래 기술을 시범으로 보여주는 데 탁월한 능력을 가지고 계셨습니다. 단지 해야 할 것과 하지 말아야 할 것을 말하는 것에서 그치는 게 아니라, 제게 더 잘 이해할 수 있도록 제스처, 시각화, 비유 등을 통해 효과적으로 사용해 주셨습니다.